POP ART: Episode 87, The Exorcism of Emily Rose/Requiem


THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT: For the annual Pop Art Halloween Show, join me and my guest, teacher by day, horror aficionado by night, Lisa Leaheey, as we discuss two films about exorcisms, The Exorcism of Emily Rose and Requiem, both films based on the same real life incident.

“Crazy people don’t know they’re crazy” You have a friend. They seem fine, normal, just like the next person. Then, suddenly, they start having fits. They start hearing and seeing things. They speak in foreign languages. Is it epilepsy? Is it schizophrenia? Or is it, could it be, maybe it’s…Sounds like it’s time for Episode 87 of Pop Art, where we find the pop culture in art and the art in pop culture. It’s the podcast where my guest chooses a movie from popular culture, and I’ll select a film from the more art/classic/indie side of cinema with a connection to it. For this episode, I am happy to welcome back as my guest, teacher by day, horror aficionado by night, Lisa Leaheey, who has chosen as her selection The Exorcism of Emily Rose, while I have chosen the German film Requiem, both films, not just about exorcisms, but about exorcisms based on the same real life incident.

Lisa has been my guest twice before. So be sure to check out Episode 59 where we talked Memento and Spellbound, and her first time on for Halloween, Episode 67, where we talked Hell House, LLC and Man Bites Dog.  

And in this episode, we answer such questions as: Who did Jennifer Carpenter’s contortions? Who is a fan of Deep Purple? Why did Derrickson choose Boardman to help write …Emily Rose? What’s a Lola and would you want to be one? What urban legend has sprung up relating to …Emily Rose? What is true horror? Who are Campbell Scott’s parents? What is it about exorcisms anyway? What is the coincidence behind Carpenter being cast? Why are there no MRIs in the two movies?

Check out Between the Scares with Lisa Leaheey at Whatever With Jason Soto at https://open.spotify.com/episode/7a0hdhkumnnpXH0CAYr33i

And check out her podcast The SibList at https://www.facebook.com/The-SibList-109714494695206

Check out my blog at https://howardcasner.wordpress.com/

My books, More Rantings and Ravings of a Screenplay Reader, The Starving Artists and Other Stories and The Five Corporations and One True Religion can be found at https://www.amazon.com/s?k=howard+casner&ref=nb_sb_noss

Meanwhile, like, follow or comment on my podcast. I’d love to know what you think. And check out the other episodes. On ITUNES https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pop-art/id1511098925, Anchor: https://anchor.fm/howard-casner, and Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5jX4noVGArDJdmcFtmrQcG, Sticher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/pop-art, Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/…, Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/pop-art, Pocketcasts: https://pca.st/vfjqj6j6, Radiopublic: https://radiopublic.com/pop-art-GExxNb and other streaming sites

Check out my Script Consultation Services at http://ow.ly/HPxKE. I offer several types of service. Testimonials can be found at the blog entry.

Finally, I have published a collection of three of my plays, 3 Plays, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08478DBXF as well as two collections of short stories, The Starving Artists and other stories, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FS91CKJ and The Five Corporations and the One True Church and other stories, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KY5Z3CF.

Ever wonder what a reader for a contest or agency thinks when he reads your screenplay?  Check out the second edition of my screenwriting book, More Rantings and Ravings of a Screenplay Reader published on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GD1XP9Y

POP ART: Episode 86, Monty Python’s Life of Brian/The Gospel According to Matthew


THE SON ALSO RISES: Join me and movie hyphenate writer, filmmaker, academic, businessman and coach Tony Klinger (The Who: The Kids Are All Right; Dirty, Sexy and Totally Iconic; Solo2Darwin and many, many others) as we talk about Monty Python’s Life of Brian and The Gospel According to Matthew, two films that take, let us say, different approaches to the story of Christ.

You preach love and peace. You try to get people to think for themselves. You try to create a better world. And what do you get for your trouble? You get crucified. What’s a Messiah to do?…Sounds like it’s time for Episode 86 of Pop Art, where we find the pop culture in art and the art in pop culture. It’s the podcast where my guest chooses a movie from popular culture, and I’ll select a film from the more art/classic/indie side of cinema with a connection to it. Today, I am happy to welcome back as my guest, movie hyphenate writer, filmmaker, academic, businessman and coach Tony Klinger, who has chosen as his film, the satire of religion and Biblical epics, Monty Python’s Life of Brian, while I have chosen Pier Paolo Pasolini’s austere, neorealist The Gospel According to St. Matthew, both films revolving around messiahs.

Tony also joined me previously for Episode 57 where we talked his father’s film Get Carter with Bad Day at Black Rock.

We also covered Monty Python and the Holy Grail on Episode 3 with my guest Jay Cluitt where we combined it with The Seventh Seal.

And in this episode, we answer such questions as: What is the difference between British and American humor? What is the correct translation of the title of Pasolini’s movie? Who is Loretta? What is the difference between a European and American approach to spiritual subject matter? Why did the Pythons lose funding two days before leaving for Tunisia to start filming? Why did it take three years to get Matthew into a theater in England? What was the world’s most expensive cinema ticket? Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? How did the Pythons use Norway’s ban to promote the film? What did the Vatican City newspaper L’Osservatore Romano call Matthew? Who is Mary Whitehouse and would you want to be one? How well would Pasolini do today in regards to the metoo movement? Who is Otto? How did the Tunisian extras criticize the directing of Life of Brian? Was there a doctor in the house?

Check out Tony’s website for more information about his films and projects https://www.tonydklinger.com/

Check out my blog at https://howardcasner.wordpress.com/

My books, More Rantings and Ravings of a Screenplay Reader, The Starving Artists and Other Stories and The Five Corporations and One True Religion can be found at https://www.amazon.com/s?k=howard+casner&ref=nb_sb_noss

Meanwhile, like, follow or comment on my podcast. I’d love to know what you think. And check out the other episodes. On ITUNES https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pop-art/id1511098925, Anchor: https://anchor.fm/howard-casner, and Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5jX4noVGArDJdmcFtmrQcG , Sticher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/pop-art, Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/…, Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/pop-art, Pocketcasts: https://pca.st/vfjqj6j6, Radiopublic: https://radiopublic.com/pop-art-GExxNb and other streaming sites

Check out my Script Consultation Services at http://ow.ly/HPxKE. I offer several types of service. Testimonials can be found at the blog entry.

Finally, I have published a collection of three of my plays, 3 Plays, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08478DBXF as well as two collections of short stories, The Starving Artists and other stories, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FS91CKJ and The Five Corporations and the One True Church and other stories, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KY5Z3CF.

Ever wonder what a reader for a contest or agency thinks when he reads your screenplay?  Check out the second edition of my screenwriting book, More Rantings and Ravings of a Screenplay Reader published on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GD1XP9Y

POP ART: Episode 85, Vertigo/Mississippi Mermaid


THE FEMALE OF THE SPECIES: Join me and film enthusiast and blogger James Wilson, Blogging by Cinema Light, as we talk Vertigo/Mississippi Mermaid, two films about woman who are one thing in the first half, but something else in the second half.

“You shouldn’t keep souvenirs of a killing.” You meet someone. You fall in love. But something seems…off. In fact, you begin to wonder, is this the person they claim to be or are they somebody totally different…Sounds like it’s time for Episode 85 of Pop Art, where we find the pop culture in art and the art in pop culture. It’s the podcast where my guest chooses a movie from popular culture, and I’ll select a film from the more art/classic/indie side of cinema with a connection to it. For this episode, I am happy to welcome as my guest, film enthusiast and blogger James Wilson, who has chosen as his film Alfred Hitchcock’s masterpiece, Vertigo, while I have chosen Francois Truffaut’s tribute to Hitchcock, Mississippi Mermaid, both films about men who become involved with women who appear to be one thing in the beginning, but turn out to be something entirely different by the end.

And in this episode, we answer the such questions as: Why were Vertigo and four other movies taken out of circulation and why wasn’t Psycho? What is a Cornell Woolrich and would you want to be one? How and why did Hitchcock go from being a pop culture filmmaker to an artist? How do Truffaut and Hitchcock treat women differently? What is the Vertigo effect? What about the French? What is a before and after picture? Red, green, red, green, red, green…? What was the alternative ending to Vertigo?

Be sure to check out James’ blog Blogging by Cinema Light at https://bloggingbycinemalight.blogspot.com/2022/09/booksmart.html?fbclid=IwAR0A3PFc9_wxqTdiO5kjQMRdme4aoapvetsWBDXeZ-7CKvDVJGfXwDk_fyU

Check out my blog at https://howardcasner.wordpress.com/

My books, More Rantings and Ravings of a Screenplay Reader, The Starving Artists and Other Stories and The Five Corporations and One True Religion can be found at https://www.amazon.com/s?k=howard+casner&ref=nb_sb_noss

Meanwhile, like, follow or comment on my podcast. I’d love to know what you think. And check out the other episodes. On ITUNES https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/pop-art/id1511098925, Anchor: https://anchor.fm/howard-casner, and Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/5jX4noVGArDJdmcFtmrQcG , Sticher: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/pop-art, Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/…, Breaker: https://www.breaker.audio/pop-art, Pocketcasts: https://pca.st/vfjqj6j6, Radiopublic: https://radiopublic.com/pop-art-GExxNb and other streaming sites

Check out my Script Consultation Services at http://ow.ly/HPxKE. I offer several types of service. Testimonials can be found at the blog entry.

Finally, I have published a collection of three of my plays, 3 Plays, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08478DBXF as well as two collections of short stories, The Starving Artists and other stories, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FS91CKJ and The Five Corporations and the One True Church and other stories, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07KY5Z3CF.

Ever wonder what a reader for a contest or agency thinks when he reads your screenplay?  Check out the second edition of my screenwriting book, More Rantings and Ravings of a Screenplay Reader published on Amazon at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07GD1XP9Y